Axcite Invoice Workflow

More flexible approval 
of creditor invoices

Fast and easy approval

Axcite Invoice Workflow facilitates approval of the large volume of supplier invoices that companies often have to devote significant resources to process every day.

Data is captured from the invoice using ReadSoft Invoices, and approval can be handled either in AX or the associated app.

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What Axcite Invoice Workflow can do for you

Streamline your handling of credit invoices to save time, gain a better overview and greater flexibility from one end of your invoice approval process to the other.

Invoices are scanned and the contents captured

The invoices are scanned and imported into a Dynamics 365 invoice register. Using the ReadSoft Invoices application, predefined elements such as creditor, invoice number and product lines are captured. The system then sends an email notifying the appropriate approver that there is an invoice awaiting their approval, or auto-approves the invoice based on set criteria.


Greater efficiency and speed in processing creditor invoices

Scanning creditor invoices ensures that the invoices do not get lost or end up lying on desks around the company. The physical documents thus remain in administration, while being made available in electronic form in Dynamics 365


Electronic approval

The user approves both trade and expense creditors electronically. Axcite Invoice Workflow offers full procurement management, so approved invoices have to automatically be approved by your superior if the amount exceeds your authorisation.


Automatic approval

If your master data is well organised, the system can be configured to do automatic approval and posting, so that the invoice is approved on arrival. This could apply, for example, to purchases that have been received, where the prices in the invoice match the prices on the purchase in Dynamics AX. These invoices actually require no user input and can therefore be posted immediately – leading to significant time savings.



Display invoices directly in Dynamics 365

One big advantage of the invoice workflow module for Dynamics 365 is that it is easy to access and view invoices – for example from the creditor, inventory entry or financial entry. It is no longer necessary to search through folders manually.


The tangible benefits you'll enjoy

Axcite Invoice Workflow gives you a more flexible approval of creditor invoices. 

Your benefits include: 

Paperless process with digital filing which makes it easy to find old invoices

Faster, logical and straightforward approval flow that leads to savings throughout the organisation

Better overview of creditors

Invoices automatically matched to purchase orders

Invoice workload evenly spread in the accounts department due to continuous scanning

Greater flexibility with the option to approve invoices from home workstations and by non-Dynamics 365 users

Axcite Invoice Workflow, step by step

1. Scanning

Upon receipt, the creditor invoice is scanned into an invoice register in Dynamics AX and then transferred to an approval journal.

2. Email notification

Each user has their own approval journal and receives an email when there are invoices awaiting approval.

3. Change of approver

It is possible to change the approver from within the approval journal, and then the system will immediately forward the invoice to the correct person.

4. Comment on the invoice

When you approve an invoice you can link a comment to it, so the accounts department immediately knows how the invoice should be posted.

5. Reconciliation with open purchases

The system checks whether the goods on an invoice have been received in the warehouse. Approval is only permitted if all goods have been received, to avoid paying for goods not received.

6. Posting

All approved invoices are transferred to an approval journal in the accounts department, from where they are posted. If automatic posting is enabled, this part of the process will be minimal.

7. Web approval

As part of the solution, employees who do not use Dynamics AX can approve invoices via the Internet.

8. Approval via app

It is also possible to approve invoices via our app, developed for invoice approval.

”Only by continually streamlining our administrative processes can we ensure that resources are made available for value-creating activities, so we can keep our industrial workplaces in Denmark.” 

Johannes Aa. Saugbjerg CFO, VOLA

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Want to know how Axcite Invoice Workflow can help you?

If you want to know more about Axcite Invoice Workflow – to see a demonstration or hear what it costs – please fill out the form and we will call you.
